It is widely acknowledged that breastfeeding is the healthiest way for a woman to feed her baby.
The Practice recognises the benefits of breastfeeding to both mothers and infants and therefore
encourages and supports staff members to breastfeed their babies, including their return to work
after their maternity leave. (Source Equality and Human Rights Commission)
Breastfeeding includes expressing milk and the same rights under this Policy will apply to
employees who wish to express milk to give to their baby.
The Practice will therefore:-
Inform all employees of the rights provided under this Policy as part of the Equal
Opportunities Policy.
- Include this Policy in the induction programme for new staff, in order to foster a positive
attitude towards breastfeeding. - Inform all pregnant employees of the benefits of breastfeeding and their rights under this
Policy. - Perform a risk assessment in relation to all employees who plan to continue breastfeeding
after their maternity leave. - Nominate the practice manager who will be responsible for performing the risk assessment
and who should be given written notice of the employee’s intention to continue
breastfeeding or expressing milk on her return to work after their maternity leave. - Make available a private, comfortable and appropriately equipped room for breastfeeding
employees to feed their baby or express their milk.
Visitors / Patients
The Practice will not discriminate against any woman in her chosen method of infant feeding and
will fully support the visitor/patient. - All mothers will be enabled and supported to feed their infants in the Practice premises.
- Signs welcoming breastfeeding will be displayed in the waiting room.
- The Practice will ensure that its staff members make comfortable arrangements for mothers
who would prefer privacy to breastfeed. – The vacant clinical room in the ground floor can be